Treasury Interest Volatilities Import

Treasury Interest Volatilities Import

The Treasury Interest Volatilities loader uses only a single set of header columns.


The Treasury Interest Volatilities Import process reads files from ./Incoming/InterestVolatilities in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/InterestVolatilities before being processed in alphanumeric order.

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Rate Date Date for which the interest volatility is valid TRUE FALSE date
Currency Currency TRUE FALSE char - 3 curreny iso codes
Days Tenors/Maturity of the curve in days TRUE FALSE integer
Period Tenors/Maturity of the curve in period FALSE FALSE string
Distribution Distribution of the interest volatility curve TRUE FALSE string Log-Normal, Normal
Strike Type Type of the given Strike/Volatility. Strike in % cannot be provided for At the Money Types TRUE FALSE string At the Money, Absolute, Relative
Strike % Strike in percent FALSE FALSE decimal
Volatility % Volatility of the interest rate in percentage TRUE FALSE decimal
Volatility bp TRUE FALSE decimal

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