Open eSign Framework Overview

The purpose of this framework is to build an Open API definition to allow e-signature providers to self-configure (build & maintain) integration with Coupa CLM. In order to make this happen, Coupa will Publish an Open API SDK, including a test harness to ease the implementation of new eSign providers.

The Open eSign Framework provides an integration for the e-signature provider to Coupa Platform. The Open API definition of the eSign Framework contains all the details of the API specifications that the e-signature provider would need to implement for the integration.

Coupa e-signing integration flow

  • Provider Services: This is the provider's e-signature service.
  • Provider Hosted Service: This is the new connector that the provider needs to build and host as per the Coupa API Specification. For more information, see Open eSign Connector Specifications.

Sequence diagram detailing flows

Create e-signature account: Create the e-signature account on the Coupa Platform that will authenticate against the signing provider via the connector and subsequently initiate all the API calls.

Provider configuration details: the e-signature provider configuration parameters that the user will need to populate when creating the esignature account. These parameters are then passed through to the e-signature provider as part of the authentication.

Contract e-signature integration flow: Sender view

Contract signature status flow: Callbacks

Contract withdraw signature