Payables :: Expense Preapproval Export

Payable Expense Preapproval

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
type Describes the type of row. Possible value is ExpensePreapproval No/No
id The ID of the payable expense preapproval integer No/No
created-at The date the payable Expense Preapproval was created on datetime No/No
updated-at The date the payable expense preapproval was last updated on datetime No/No
status The status of the payable expense preapproval string(255) No/No
paid-date The date the payable expense preapproval was marked as fully paid datetime No/No
paid-total The total amount paid decimal No/No
remaining-total The total amount remaining to be paid decimal No/No
remittance-total The total remittance amount required decimal No/No
accounting-total The total of the payable expense preapproval in the CoA currency decimal No/No
exported A flag indicating if the payable expense preapproval has been marked as exported No/No
last-exported-at The date that the payable expense preapproval was last marked as exported datetime No/No
type the type of payable string(255) Yes/No
payment-channel The payment channel on the payable expense preapproval string(255) No/No
payable-type The type of associated payable. Value can be ExpensePreapproval No/No
payable-id The ID of the associated ExpensePreapproval No/No
user-fullname The user fullname from the associated ExpensePreapproval No/No
chart-of-account-code The Chart of Accounts name No/No