Exchange Rates API Example Calls

Get Exchange Rates Query Options

Here are some more examples of how to use the exchange rate API to query and get the result set you want.

This query will return all exchange rates created after the date November 15, 2010. The creation date is different than the effective rate date.

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?created_at[gt]=2010-11-15T00:00:00

This query will return all exchange rates where the effective rate date is after November 11, 2010.

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?rate-date[gt]=2010-11-11T00:00:00

This query will return all exchange rates where the 'from' rate is USD.

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?from-currency[code]=USD

This query will return all exchange rate where the exchange rate is less than 1.00

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?rate[lt]=1

This query will return no results as it is currently not supported:

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?from-currency[code]=USD&to-currency[code]=EUR

Get Exchange Rates

In this example, we queried for exchange rate record with an ID of 9.

We did a GET to the URL:

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates/9


https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates?id=9

Here is the response matching the search criteria:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<exchange-rates type="array">
		<id type="integer">9</id>
			<id type="integer">46</id>
			<id type="integer">1</id>
		<rate type="decimal">1.0</rate>
		<rate-date type="datetime">2010-11-10T00:00:00-08:00</rate-date>

Exchange Rate Create

In this example, we are creating an exchange rate from EUR to USD.

We posted it to the URL

https://<instance url>/api/exchange_rates. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	 <rate type="decimal">42.247599959</rate>
	 <rate-date type="datetime">2009-12-30</rate-date>