Content Groups API Example Calls

Different Query Options for Content Groups

Here are more examples of how to use the Content Groups API to query and get the result set you want.

This query will give you the content groups with name as test


This query will give you the content groups updated by a particular user with Login = testsupport


This query will give you all the business groups created after March 1st 2014


GET Single Content Group

In this example, we queried for a single expense report with an ID of 9.

We did a GET to the URL:




The Result:

Query Content Group Sample Result

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	 <id type="integer">9</id>
	 <created-at type="datetime">2014-04-04T14:04:20-07:00</created-at>
	 <updated-at type="datetime">2014-04-04T14:04:20-07:00</updated-at>
	 <description>test1 group</description>
			<id type="integer">1</id>
			<employee-number nil="true" />
			<salesforce-id nil="true" />
			<mycustom-userfield />
			<id type="integer">1</id>
			<employee-number nil="true" />
			<salesforce-id nil="true" />
			<mycustom-userfield />

Content Groups Creation

In this example we are creating a Content Group. We are not using any Coupa system ID's for any of the reference objects.

We posted it to the URL:

https://<instance url>/api/business_groups/.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	 <name>test sample content group</name>
	 <description>What Pattern Group</description>