Coupa Pay Statements Export

Export of CoupaPay Statements records is included as a Standard CSV Export.

CoupaPay Statements includes rows of types: Statement, Charge, ChargeAllocation, and ChargeTaxLine. The value of type in the first position determines what table of fields applies for that row.

Before publishing an integration format table you can rename most any field and reorder the fields, but it is probably best if you leave the type field in the first position because the value of type determines the structure for the row data that follows.

Exportable type is CoupaPay::Statement .


Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
type Describes the type of row. Possible values are Statement, Charge, or ChargeAllocation. No/No
id Coupa internal ID for the statement integer No/No
status The status of the string(255) No/No
payment-partner-name The name of the payment partner No/No
payment-partner-issuing-bank The issuing bank of the payment partner No/No
payment-partner-supplier-name The name of the supplier associated to the payment partner No/No
payment-partner-supplier-number The number of the supplier associated to the payment partner No/No
external-ref-id Third party or partner document reference string(255) Yes/No
coupa-pay-id Coupa Pay Internal ID of statement integer No/No
name The name of the statement string(255) No/Yes
statement-date Date of statement datetime Yes/No
number-of-lines Number of charges in statement integer No/No
amount Total amount of statement decimal(30,6) No/No
currency Currency of statement No/No
unbacked-amount Sum of charges on statement that are not associated to a PO decimal(30,6) No/No
number-of-unbacked-lines Number of charges that do not have an associated PO integer No/No