Expense Preapproval Export

Export of these records is included as a Standard CSV Export.

Expense Preapproval

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
RecordType The type of record type found in each row No/No
ID ID for the expense preapproval integer No/No
Description The description entered by the user often describing why they are requesting expense preapproval string(255) Yes/No
Type The type of form that the admin has configured for its users when requesting expense preapprovals string(255) No/No
Preapproved Amount Total amount requested by the user on expense preapproval form No/No
Currency Currency code related to requested preapproval amount No/No
Available Amount The available amount left on a preapproval after a portion of the expense preapproval has been reconciled with an Expense Report No/No
Available Amount Currency Currency code related to remaining requested preapproval amount No/No
Available When Preapproval is archived then Available is set to No; however, when it is still active, is set to Yes boolean No/No
Start Date The start date entered by user on expense preapproval in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No
End Date The end date entered by user on expense preapproval in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No
Preapproval User Fullname Full name of the user for whom the preapproval is created No/No
Created By Fullname Full name of the user who created the expense preapproval No/No
Updated By Fullname Full name of the user who updated the expense preapproval No/No
Created At Time of record creation in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No
Updated At Time that the record was updated in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No
Reporting Total The total expense preapproval amount requested in the company's dashboard currency decimal(32,4) No/No
Form Response The form response name set by the admin when publishing expense preapproval form No/No
Expense Reports One or many expense reports that the expense preapproval is associated to [] No/No
Cash Advance Applied Amount The total cash advance amount requested on expense preapproval form No/No
Cash Advance Applied Amount Currency Currency code related to requested cash advance amount No/No
Cash Advance Outstanding Amount The available cash advance amount left on a preapproval after a portion of the expense preapproval has been reconciled with an Expense Report No/No
Cash Advance Outstanding Amount Currency Currency code related to remaining cash advance amount on expense preapproval No/No
Virtual Card Applied Amount The total amount of the virtual card that was applied to the expense preapproval No/No
Virtual Card Applied Amount Currency Currency code related to virtual card amount applied to the expense preapproval No/No
Virtual Card Outstanding Amount The available virtual card amount left on a preapproval after a portion of the expense preapproval has been reconciled with an Expense Report No/No
Virtual Card Outstanding Amount Currency Currency code related to remaining virtual card amount on expense preapproval No/No

Expense Preapproval Line

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
RecordType The type of record type found in each row No/No
ID ID for the expense preapproval line integer No/No
Expense Preapproval ID ID for the expense preapproval integer No/No
Type The type of expense preapproval line: Flight, Hotel, Car Rental, Train, Transportation, or None string(255) No/No
Estimated Amount The estimated price of a segment predicted by Coupa's Community Intelligence Price Prediction No/No
Estimated Amount Currency Currency code related to the estimated amount requested on expense preapproval No/No
Requested Amount Total amount requested by the user on expense preapproval form No/No
Requested Amount Currency Currency code related to the requested amount on expense preapproval line No/No
Account Type Name The COA of the account selected in account code No/No
Account Code The accounting string that is assigned to the expense preapproval line No/No
Accounting Total The total expense preapproval amount requested in the COAs currency No/No
Accounting Total Currency Currency code related to the accounting total on the expense preapproval line No/No
Created At The time of record creation in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No
Updated At Time that the record was updated in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM datetime No/No