Requisitions API (/requisitions)

The URL to access requisitions is: https://{your_instance_name}/api/requisitions

See Integration Best Practices for more info.

Requisitions API Objects

This is the full list of expense objects available via the UI. However, not all objects listed here have endpoints–some are only referenced by objects, and can't be updated directly.

  • If submitting this API using a static Chart of Accounts, any segment values included must be from an existing account.
  • If submitting this API using a dynamic Chart of Accounts, any segment values included must match existing account segments or lookup values. If an account doesn't exist for a given segment value, the API automatically creates it.


Requisitions API allows you to:

Verb Path Action Description
PUT /api/requisitions/:id/add_approver add_approver Manually add an approver for a requisition
POST /api/requisitions/add_to_cart add_to_cart Add To Cart
POST /api/requisitions create Create a requisition in draft status, which will then need to be submitted manually
GET /api/requisitions/current_cart current_cart Send current cart for user, if there is no current cart then create and send
GET /api/requisitions index Query requisitions
GET /api/requisitions/mine mine /api/requisitions/mine
PUT /api/requisitions/:id/remove_approval remove_approval Remove an approver who was manually added
PUT /api/requisitions/:id/save_for_later save_for_later Save For Later for API requisitions
GET /api/requisitions/:id show Show requisition
POST /api/requisitions/submit_for_approval submit_for_approval Create a requisition and attempt to submit it for approval / buyer action
PUT /api/requisitions/:id update Update requisition
PUT /api/requisitions/:id/update_and_submit_for_approval update_and_submit_for_approval Update requisition and submit for approval


Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
approvals approvals yes Approval
current-parallel-approvals Current parallel approvals yes Approval
approver approver yes User
attachments attachments yes Attachment
buyer-note Any comments or notes from the Buyer yes yes text
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes yes yes User
currency Currency Code yes USD
current-approval Current/Pending Approval yes Approval
department Requisition Department yes yes Department
exported Indicates if transaction has been exported yes boolean
external-po-reference External PO reference that allows customers to supply PO numbers that would override auto generated PO numbers no yes any yes string(255)
hide-price Hide Price from supplier. True or False no no yes RequisitionHeader
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
justification Requisition Justification Comments yes yes text
last-exported-at Last Exported Time yes datetime
line-count Requisition Header Line Count no no any yes integer
milestones Milestones yes yes Procurement::Milestone
mobile-currency Default currency used yes USD
mobile-total total yes decimal
need-by-date Item Need By Date yes yes datetime
pcard Name of PCard yes yes Pcard
price-hidden Hide price from supplier. True or False yes boolean
receiving-warehouse-id Receiving Warehouse ID no no any yes yes integer
recurring-rules Recurring Rules yes
reject-reason-comment last reject reason comment yes string
req_title Optional title of the Requisition yes yes string(50)
requested-by requested_by yes yes User
requester requested_by yes yes User
requisition-lines requisition_lines yes yes yes RequisitionLine
ship-to-address Name of Address yes yes yes Address
ship-to-attention Ship to Address Attention yes yes string(255)
status Transaction status. To learn more about Requisition statuses, see Requisition Status Definitions. yes

draft, cart, pending_buyer_action, pending_approval,

approved ordered partially_received, received,

abandoned, backgrounded, withdrawn

yes string(50)
submitted-at submitted_at yes datetime
tags yes yes []
taggings yes yes []
total Total in own currency yes decimal
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User
user_members User members yes User
user_group_members User group members yes User

The created_by element defaults from the API User key, but it can be overridden by the Requisition API. Contact Coupa Support to allow the Requisition API to override the API User key value.

  • In a requisition-line, you can use either a description (free-form) or an item (catalog item). If an item id is used, the item must exist. The <source-type></source-type> is not used and ignored.
  • Currencies, users in the requested-by and suppliers must be in the system with a status of active.
  • Item: If a preferred supplier and price is available for an item it will be used unless the unit-price is specified. If a unit-price is specified, it will override the default pricing available for the item. While it is not an error to specify a description and an item, using an item will set the description to the item description, ignoring the passed in the description field.
  • Defaulting: Unless otherwise specified in the XML, the system will respect the relevant defaulting within the system. Such as defaulting payment and shipping terms from the supplier record.
  • Line Numbering: The API expects the line-num to increment by one for each new line number. If you use the same line-num, the system will ignore all other lines with the same number.
  • As part of the Version 30.2.2 release update, we've resolved an issue that prevented you from creating a requisition for users outside of the requester's Content Group. Now, the requisition API reflects the functionality of the UI.
  • As part of the Version 34.4.0 release update, requisition API can be used to create a new requisition by inserting a line from another requisition - only if the status of source requisition is Draft. If the status of the requisition is not Draft, then no line from the requisition can be referenced to create another new requisition.

    When the “created by” user is being set via API, that user’s content group access is validated for the creation of the requisition. See the table below for reference:

allow_created_by_override_via_api Creator has access via Content Group Requester has access via Content Group Allow creation via API

Default supplier item behavior

When a req with quantity based lines is created via API,the supplier item defaults on the req line using the following rules:

API payload Expected result
Item ID Preferred or lowest priced supplier item
Item ID, supplier Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id
Item ID, supplier, source part number Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and source part number
Item ID, supplier, source part number, supplier aux part number Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and source part num and supplier aux part number
Item ID, supplier, contract Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and contract id
Item ID, supplier, contract, price Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and contract id (price is not used in match)
Item ID, supplier, contract, source part number Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and contract id and source part number
Item ID, supplier, contract, source part number, supplier aux part number Preferred or lowest priced supplier item matching the provided supplier id and contract id and source part num and supplier aux part number

  • If the supplier item is associated to a catalog, the catalog must be in "accepted" status and the current date is within the catalog start and end dates.
  • If the supplier item is associated to a contract, the contract must be in "published" status and the current date is within the catalog start and end dates.