Default Receiving Location API (/default receiving location)


Use the Default Receiving Location API to update or get a list of default receiving locations. The URL to access pick lists is: https://{your_instance_name}/api/default_receiving_locations


Verb Path Action Description
POST /api/default_receiving_locations create /api/default_receiving_locations/api/default_receiving_locations/api/default_receiving_locations
GET /api/default_receiving_locations index /api/default_receiving_locations/api/default_receiving_locations/api/default_receiving_locations
GET /api/default_receiving_locations/:id show /api/default_receiving_locations/:id/api/default_receiving_locations/:id/api/default_receiving_locations/:id


Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
item item yes yes Item
item-id Item identifier yes integer
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
warehouse warehouse yes yes yes Warehouse
warehouse-id Warehouse identifier yes integer
warehouse-location warehouse location yes yes WarehouseLocation
warehouse-location-id Warehouse Location identifier yes integer