API Explorer

CCW's REST API Explorer is an interactive tool that allows users to test and explore the CCW API in the following ways:

  • Browse available REST API resources and end points

  • Learn about the methods available for each API, along with supported parameters and inline documentation

  • Experiment by submitting sample requests for any available API endpoint, and see responses in real time

  • Make authenticated and authorized API calls through an intuitive framework that doesn't require a technical background

To use the API Explorer, access to CCW's REST API must first be requested from CCW support. Please review the CCW API Overview documentation to learn more about how to access and use the API.

Accessing the Explorer

To get started, navigate to: Integration Toolkit > Integration Documentation . Click REST API Explorer.


Specific access to the Explorer can be given to any CCW user and/or role by assigning the right, Integration Toolkit > Integration Documentation .

The APIs currently available are displayed:

  • Candidate Lookup (/api/candidates/search)

  • Candidate Confirm (/api/candidates/{id}/confirm)

  • Contingent Worker Lookup (/api/contingent_workers)

The Base URL , used for submitting API requests, represents your current CCW testing environment.

As CCW adds more APIs, the Filter by Tag bar will allow you to find a specific API by entering key words that match section headers.

Testing APIs

Click the API you want to test, and a form is expanded showing the Names and Descriptions of available parameters:

Certain parameters include an Example Value (displayed by default) and Model (click to see the properties of each field listed).

The Responses section includes code numbers (with descriptions) that could be included in API responses from CCW.

Click Try it Out to manually edit an example request on the Explorer form.

For proper formatting and other requirements of CCW API requests, please review each specific API's documentation:

X-Correlation ID, a mandatory field, auto-generates when Try it Out is clicked.

Authorization, also mandatory, requires an access token which must be generated outside the Explorer. Once generated, the access token lasts 1 hour.


An application such as Postman can be used to generate the access token and copy it into the Authorization field. In Postman, enter the API access credentials provided to you by Coupa, including Access Token URL, Secret and Scope.

Click Execute to submit your request to the Base URL with the additional parameters you entered. Or click Cancel to discard your changes.

After executing, the Response section includes the response body, headers (and errors, if applicable) sent in response to your API request. Please review the documentation linked above for more detail.