• Last edited on: 31 January 2022

View SFTP File Upload Errors

View SFTP file upload errors.


If you use SFPT to upload your invoices through CSV, you can view processing errors for a specific customer by going to Admin > SFTP Errors and selecting the customer from the drop-down list. For more information about SFTP accounts, see Create SFTP Accounts.

You can click the file name links to download and view the CSV files. You can also click the links in the Upload Errors column to see the detailed error messages. Successful file uploads are listed without the Click for Errors link.


Common SFTP errors


 Brackets [ ] indicate that the data type within the brackets is replaced with data from your transaction.

Header Errors

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Supplier must match the order supplier

Either enter a valid Supplier Number or leave the Supplier Name blank.

Invoice lines order line must have the same supplier as the invoice Either enter a valid Supplier Number or leave the Supplier Name blank.
Currency can't be blank Enter a valid Currency Code that is set up in Coupa. Contact your Coupa customer for assistance.
Column header Invoice LINE is not valid. Enter valid header fields.
Empty file upload. Please insure the file has content.

Either enter valid header fields or ensure the file format is CSV.

Unexpected Error has occurred. Please contact Coupa Support. -- Money::InvalidCurrencyError -- Invalid currency to convert to -- ..... Enter valid header fields.

Address Consistency Errors 


You can manage remit-to addresses by going to Setup > Remit-To. For more information, see View and Manage Remit-to Information.

You can find VAT and tax registration/number information by reviewing your legal entities. Go to Setup > Legal Entity Setup. For more information, see Set Up Legal Entities.

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Buyer Tax Registration is a required field. Please contact your customer to add Tax Registration to their Chart of Accounts Contact your Coupa customer to have them add Tax Registration to their Chart of Accounts.
The address selected for Invoice From is not allowed to be used as an Invoice From

Enter a valid address ID from an address entered in the CSP.

The address selected for Remit To is not allowed to be used as a Remit To Activate the remit-to address for the customer on the invoice.
The address selected for Ship From is not allowed to be used as a Ship From Activate the remit-to address for the customer on the invoice.
A cross-border invoice may not use a local tax registration Change your invoice-from country to be the same country as PO ship-to.
Tax registration must be associated with the selected Bill-To Address Set up a VAT ID in the CSP for the PO bill-to country.
Tax registration must be associated with the selected Invoice-From Address Enter a VAT ID that is set up in the CSP.
All supplier addresses must be from the same registered company Only enter addresses that are used for this customer.
Address does not match address in CSP. Setup matching address in CSP. Either add the address into the CSP or use an address already in the CSP.
No address found in CSP. Setup a matching address in CSP. Either add the address into the CSP or use an address already in the CSP.
Bill to Address Account Type doesn't match Account Type on Invoice Header Update the bill-to account type to match the PO bill-to account type.
Bill to Address on backed doc and Bill to Address parsed from cxml does not match Make sure CSV bill-to ID matches the PO's.
Bill to Address doesn't match system Billing Addresses Make sure CSV bill-to ID matches the PO's.
Bill to Address is required Enter a billing address ID.
Must be present on invoice Enter the buyer VAT ID.
Buyer Tax Registration number must be between 5 and 50 characters Enter a buyer tax registration that is between 5 and 50 characters in length.
Buyer Tax Number required for compliant invoice and must match Bill-To Address Enter a buyer tax number. For compliant invoices, this field is required.
Could not find order header [PO number], order line num [PO line number] Enter valid PO line number.
Cannot create or submit the invoice as the PO# has been closed or cancelled by the buyer. Ask your Coupa customer to reopen the PO for invoicing to be allowed
Contract [number] does not belong to supplier #[supplier ID] The contract number doesn't belong to a contract with the listed supplier. Enter a contract number that belongs to the supplier.
Contract [number] does not allow direct invoicing by the supplier.

Contact your Coupa customer for more information.

Contract [number] does not exist or is not published or active.

Either enter a valid contract number or, if the number was valid, ask your Coupa customer to ensure that contract is active and has not expired.

Credit Memo needs Reference Document and Date Enter data in the Reference Document and Date fields for the credit memo.
Credit note must have at least one line Enter at least one line for the credit note.
Invoice line [number]: currency must match with the Invoice Header currency. Correct the currency mismatch either in the invoice line or the invoice header.

Delivery Methods

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Invoice line [number]: multiple Distributions are not permitted. Remove all but one distribution.

Document Types 

Error Message How to Fix the Error
The effective tax rate cannot be less than 0 Enter a tax rate that is greater than 0.
Enter a tax rate that is greater than 0. Enter tax information.
Invoice currency is the same as local currency. Please correct the exchange rate provided on the invoice. Enter different exchange currency than local currency.
No exchange rate exists between invoice currency '[code]' and an invoice line's contract currency '[code]'. Ask your Coupa customer to load exchange rates in Coupa.
Customer needs to load exchange rates in Coupa. Ask your Coupa customer to load exchange rates in Coupa.
Extra shipping/handling/misc charges are not permitted Remove extra shipping/handling/misc. charges, as these charges are not allowed by the customer.
Remove extra shipping/handling/misc charges as these charges are not allowed by the customer. Enter an invoice date that is today's date or in the past.
Enter an invoice date that is today's date or in the past. Enter line-level details for the invoice.
All accounts must belong to the same Chart of Accounts Enter the same COA for the PO lines.
Sorry! We were not able to default data from the PO due to a configuration change on your buyer's instance. Please contact your buyer requesting that they update the PO to reflect their latest defaulting configuration settings. Contact your customer so they can update the purchase order with their latest configuration settings.
Invoice contains tax information. [Country name] does not have indirect taxation. Remove tax information.
Invoice date must not be more than one year in the past or future Enter an invoice date that is no more than one year in the past or future.
Invoice Header is not valid: [error messages]. Enter valid header column names.
Invoice must have at least one line Enter an invoice line.
has already been used for this supplier If not a duplicate, then update to unique invoice # and re-upload.
Characters '(double quotes) '>' (greater than) and '<' (less than) are not allowed Remove any greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols.
is too long (maximum is 40 characters) Enter an invoice number that is 40 or fewer characters in length.

Invoice Source Type Errors

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Chart of Accounts for this account must match the Chart of Accounts defined at the header. Enter a chart of accounts that matches the chart of accounts in the invoice header.
Please provide a VAT ID or Tax Reg Num on the Bill To or Ship To addresses. Enter buyer tax information (either the VAT ID or Tax Reg Num fields).
Multiple tax lines are not enabled. Please delete any line with multiple tax lines. Do not indicate line level taxation. Remove any tax from line to summary.
Kind of Tax is not valid. Allowed values are [list]. Enter a Kind of Tax from the provided list.
A credit to completely cancel invoice [invoice number] cannot be created. The invoice has already been canceled by a credit note. Contact your Coupa customer for more information.
Buyer does not have available tax numbers. Contact your Coupa customer so they can provide their tax number.

Payment Channel Errors

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Currency cannot be changed from PO Currency Enter the same currency as used in the corresponding purchase order.
Cannot submit the invoice as the PO has been closed or cancelled by the buyer. The purchase order was closed or cancelled by your Coupa customer. Contact them for more information.
Order header [PO number] does not belong to supplier #[supplier ID] Enter a purchase order number from the supplier.
Cannot create or submit the invoice as the PO#[number] line [line number] has been closed or cancelled by the buyer The purchase order was closed or cancelled by your Coupa customer. Contact them for more information.
Requester must be present. Enter the Requester Email.
Requester email and requester name must be present. Enter the Requester Email and the Requester Name.
Requester lookup value must be present. Enter the Requester Lookup Value.
Requester name must be present. Enter the Requester Name.
Please specify buyer tax number. Your buyer has multiple tax registration numbers. Enter the Buyer Tax Number your Coupa customer wants to use.
Please specify supplier tax number. Several supplier tax numbers available. Enter the Supplier Tax Number you want to use.
Ship To Address invalid, please specify Street, City, Country/Region, PostalCode fields Correct the ship to address by providing Street, City, Country/Region, and PostalCode.
Supplier Tax Registration number must be between 5 and 50 characters Enter a Supplier Tax Registration that is between 5 and 50 characters.
Supplier Tax Number required for compliant invoice and must match Invoice-From Address Enter a Supplier Tax Number that matches the Invoice-From Address.
The tax amount and total amount must both either be positive or negative values. The Tax Amount and Total Amount must both either be positive or negative values.

Tax Calculation Exception Errors

Error Message How to Fix the Error
A tax rate is required when applying VAT Enter a Tax Rate when using VAT.
Taxes in origin country/region currency is required Enter taxes in the origin country/region's currency.
must be negative Enter a negative value.
must be positive Enter a positive value.
The remit to address you have chosen is out of date. Please visit the coupa supplier portal and create a new address. Enter a new remit-to address in the CSP.

User Secutiry Exception Errors

Error Message How to Fix the Error
Contract does not allow supplier created invoices. You can't create invoices on this contract. Contact your Coupa customer for more information.
Supplier does not have access to create invoice without a backing document. You can't create invoices without a backing document. Contact your Coupa customer for more information.
cannot be blank if VAT tax is applied Enter the VAT Tax Rate.